Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A month long week....

When you start getting emails from people saying its time to update the blog, I guess its been a while....

The problem with a blog is, it requires clear headed thought to not sound like a complete buffoon, and memorialize that "buffooness" for the whole world to see. These past few weeks have felt like months! By the time the day is over, for me its been around 11 -11:30 pm before I'm done with work, that the last thing I want to do, is sit at the computer and write some more.

Since I last wrote, I've been asked to take on the role of Operations Manager for LOGCAP IV Afghanistan South AOR. No small task, as I work directly for the Project Manager, Hank Miller, a former 1 star General in the Army Corps of Engineers. The job entials "riding herd" on all the moving parts of a program of this size ..... >$1 Billion annually. Yea - I'm a little overwhelmed and sometimes feel like a high priced Admin Assistant, but we are getting there.

I've successfully transitioned away from Mail Room Jockey to running the Operations Cell. Man, talk about career growth...all while never performing the job description I came here with - Director of Risk Management. I did however manage to slip the "R" word into a staff meeting yesterday, and wans't bludgeoned for it, so I think we are making headway.

At any rate - we have now more than 1,800 people on the ground - approximately 5,000 to go along with all the materiel, equipment, tools and computing and communicatiosn necessary to support a widely disbersed staff. Afghanistan is rough. Nothing happens the way it should - and most things take 4 times longer than what would be considered a poor time frame.

The Caravan Moves on....

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